Sensations I love at the end of a class
Often, at the end of a Feldenkrais one-to-one or group class, I feel great!
I stand up. Sense myself in new ways. Often in ways that seem to be quite unlike myself. Unlike my usual, everyday self.
Each class has a different effect, leaving me feeling strong…or long…or light…or fluid…or powerful…or graceful…or refreshed…or spacious…or poised…
Keeping the good stuff for longer
I have to confess that these feelings do not always stay with me for long. Especially if I jump into a hectic schedule or slip back into my habitual busy, rushing frame of mind. It would be good to hang onto those good feelings for longer. My students tell me the same thing.
6 tips for after class
Here are some tips from one of my trainers David Zemach-Bersin about what to do when the lesson is over.
The lessons do not end when the movements stop
New learning is fragile…it needs safety, nurturing and time to ‘soak in’
Your awareness straight after a Feldenkrais lesson is very powerful if you take some time with it
Noticing changes in how you stand, move and feel is what strengthens your new neural pathways
To make room for the new learning, give yourself a short interlude before resuming ‘normal life’…rest or walk as you feel all the places where you can relax
New effects may show up over the next day or so if you check-in now and again to notice new changes
Bring back the changes
And, if you forgot to do these 6 things and have lost the feeling? There is something you can do.
I remember hearing David’s advice to one of my colleagues who asked about this question. He said: “Get down on the **** mat every day. Move and feel yourself.”
So, this is what I do…when I want to bring the good feelings back after they have slipped away. I lie down, to re-create mini moments from an actual class or to improvise around my memories of a lesson. It only takes a few minutes before the feelings start to return.
David has decades of experience teaching Feldenkrais and has a great website, with interesting resources.