How can I start?

Ok. You’ve read a bit by now about Awareness Through Movement and the Feldenkrais Method. Or watched some videos. You’re curious. And baffled. Don’t worry - it’s not you! This method is difficult to put into words.

There is no substitute for experience. So, please dive in and try it out. Or you’ll never know.

Join a live course

Why not join our next live course (online or in-person). Each has a different topic, runs for a few weeks and is also perfectly suited for beginners. As it is live, you can interact with me and other students to make sure you get your queries addressed.

Money back guarantee

If you don’t enjoy your first session I will refund the full price. Everybody’s first class comes with this money back guarantee. If you stick with the full course - usually around 4-6 sessions - you will definitely know if this approach is what you want to explore longer term.

DIY LEARning is a great option too

Audio lessons that keep on giving

Audio lessons and Feldenkrais are a perfect match. Audio recordings deliver my spoken guided movement lessons directly to you, in your own comfortable space at home, without distractions.

Each lesson repays multiple listens. Each time you bring yourself to a lesson, you get a brand new experience. New discoveries reveal themselves each time.

You can get recorded lessons either:

Make lessons your own

Get creative with how you use them - make them your own.

  1. Do the whole lesson again, several times over the course a week

    • Really get to know it, track how your responses change - and your improvement builds bit by bit

    • Don’t treat it like an exercise - it is an adventure, an exploration, an experiment

    • Give your comfort top priority at all times

  2. Dwell on the parts of the lesson you like best

    • Use snippets of a few minutes as a pick-me-up during your day

    • Re-play the lesson at bedtime to wind down

  3. Share with friends, swap notes and learn together

  4. Go full-on improv!

    • Start with a memory of some moments from the lesson, or replay a small section

    • Press pause… and do what you and your body feels like doing…move as feels delicious to you…dwell in movement patterns that fascinate and seem relevant…rest and do nothing when that occurs to you too

A live boost can reinvigorate your practice

Some diy-ers also benefit from occasionally returning to taught live classes or one-to-ones for a top-up of teacher and fellow student input.

Should I have a one-to-one?

Good to address a challenge

These are also a great starting point - particularly if you have a particular challenge you wish to start working with. This includes if you know you can not easily get up and down from a mat on the floor.

We will work together for you to be comfortable in a more detailed way than would be possible in a group. I will tailor the session for you as we go. I respond to you in the moment with adaptations, coaching and by giving you tips for after we’ve finished.

Dip your toe in

Private sessions are useful if you are unsure about any aspect of attending group classes - whether the method will suit you, how easy / possible the classes will be for you…


Moving on from one-to-ones

I would love for you to move on (when you are ready) from private sessions to group sessions (courses and classes) or your own self-directed practice.

Acting on your self-knowledge

One of the goals of Feldenkrais is to move towards what the originator called maturity. He meant being free of conditioned behaviour that is not in your own interest.

In a group, there is more chance for you to exercise your autonomy and to design your own adaptations during the course of each lesson.

From there, it is a small step to being more empowered to take these changes of approach into your day to day life.

Lifelong learning

I believe this project or practice of deepening your mind-body movement intelligence can be a rewarding one that lasts a lifetime.

"I am going to be your last teacher. Not because I'll be the greatest teacher you may ever encounter, but because from me you will learn how to learn. When you learn how to learn, you will realize that there are no teachers, that there are only people learning…"  - Dr Moshe Feldenkrais