Live classes online on Zoom. Come to a single class - - or join the whole themed course
With downloadable audio lessons to keep - - great if you can’t come live & for ongoing learning
GUARANTEE → Feeling is believing. Try a class & if you don’t like it, email me for a refund → no questions asked
Saturday afternoon workshops in a beautiful light, warm venue in Heslington, York. Friendly, small groups (max 8) for plenty of room to roll around, for personal attention and to ask your questions.
Register your interest to find out about future York workshop dates. Let me know dates you may prefer.
Hello, I am Julie. A lifelong inexpert mover, I believed I was doomed to be clumsy and stiff for life. I was wrong! I have learnt so much with these two movement improvement styles that make me feel good now and for the future. Both are suitable for any ability, and at any age.
Practical, educational, adaptable
Both styles I teach are practical, educational and adaptable to your own personal physique and personality. Discover fresh, easier movement. Grow clearer body awareness & proprioception - your own self knowledge & user's manual. Find that you can dissolve muscle tightness, boost co-ordination and learn new efficient movement patterns to replace unwanted ones.
Mind, body, brain
Both styles involve mind, body, brain (and nervous system regulation), leading to all-round well-being, with more flow, flex & stability for body & self. Both styles work well together to consolidate your new movement skills with their dual inside/outside approach to learning. Or choose the single style that you prefer.
1/ Feldenkrais® Slow-Flow Movement
Slow-flow movement for sensory body awareness in motion & added deep calm.
Restful, gentle, mindful, somatic, inwardly experiential. You focus on your own sensations. We accentuate comfort, ease & possibility.
Stress-relieving, pain-relieving, loosening, confidence building, restorative.
Bonus brain training skills to keep sharp, hone attention, harness neuroplasticity and embrace change.
Close your eyes, lie down, following my spoken guidance to tune into yourself & move with pleasure. Join our unique movement adventures where we build up new movement patterns step by easy step.
2/ Nourishing Movement Improvement
Classes for more mobility, stability, ease & awareness.
To move better in daily life & enrich your movement diet. Find more range, balance, alignment & strength.
Less strain, stiffness, overuse or injury. Move yourself anti-fragile, stop fearing falls.
Respond to your biomechanical uniqueness. Mind-to-muscle mobility classes, with theory, demos & interactive exercises to practise in your environment & apply to your leisure activities.
Playful moves to take outside. Inspired by Katy Bowman's Move Your DNA programme. With an active mix of positions - standing, sitting, walking, lying down.