“What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains. What I’m after is to restore each person to their human dignity.”

- Moshe Feldenkrais

Suitable for a range of people and situations

This sensing-and-movement style of lesson is suitable for all ages and abilities. It has something to offer to everybody.

It appeals to people recovering from pain or illness; stressed out, busy people; and dancers or movement teachers from other modalities.

We don’t wear special clothing - just anything loose and comfy, with no tight waistbands.

Anybody and everybody

Anybody, of any age, can learn how to move better and feel better. As you discover better (for you) movement patterns, you will feel more energetic and less exhausted.


If you can get up and down from the floor you can join a group class.

If you have restrictions, you can try out a private or semi-private lesson first. We can talk about how I can modify the lessons so that you may be able to then join a group class.

Done regularly, Feldenkrais movement lessons can upgrade physical, emotional and cognitive habits that no longer serve us. We can all find how to move with more fluency and skill and how to re-balance our nervous system, away from stress, enhancing instead:

  • energy

  • balance

  • breathing

  • pleasure

  • calmness, peace

  • and resilience

Expert performers and movers


Expert and aspiring performers and movers can gain insights about themselves and their ways of moving. You can give yourself a neuro-muscular reboot. Hone your body senses to fine-tune new patterns of moving as you improve the self-organisation of your entire structure. Incremental changes start straight away in your first lesson:

  • as a dancer, actor or musician learn how to take care of your instrument (yourself), to move with less effort, less risk of injury and more efficiency

  • martial artists can add new dimensions to your mastery of weight and movement, to feel free, light and effective, with a zero gravity sensation

  • improve your sports and activities, with expanded mobility and a new-found awareness of how to use just the appropriate amount of effort in your movements

  • make use of effective mental tools like visualisation and being in ‘flow’

A student’s story

Feldenkrais classes to help with limited mobility, low energy and back pain

JS is a young mum who found she was unable to do any physical activity classes after becoming ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E. This condition left her with low energy levels and feeling like her movement was becoming restricted.

She saw my Feldenkrais classes advertised at her local yoga studio and thought she would give them a try.

Straight away she noticed how adaptable the classes were and that they could suit someone in her situation.

“What I really like is that the classes are very accessible and accommodate my limited mobility and energy (as well as my hearing loss). In the classes I can work at my own level and pace and take rests whenever I need to. Movements can be adapted to accommodate individuals and Julie gives different options like sitting on a chair instead of the floor.”

Attending a class that she could enjoy was something new for her, which left her feeling delighted.

“I was really happy to find Julie’s classes that I could actually participate in. I can take part in a physical movement class and positively connect with my body.”

Each week’s lesson left JS with positive feelings and a spring in her step.

“I always feel better after classes and my body feels more aligned and and relaxed. The classes also help with my persistent lower back pain.”

Over time, after coming to class every week, she was able to apply what she learns on the mat into her day-to-day life off the mat. She is practising how to move with less effort in order to feel more and more comfortable.

“Feldenkrais has given me a new way to tune into my body and movement and to think about moving with minimum effort and letting go of unnecessary tension.”


You can bring the benefits with you off the mat and into the rest of your life…whether you want a looser, flowing body, calmer mind or more lively brain.

This method runs beautifully alongside sports, activities, movement or meditation practices or personal development. It can support and complement other healing modalities such as physiotherapy and counselling.


Suitable for all

All courses are suitable for beginners or experienced students of any age. I offer adaptations:

  • to help in case you are working with challenges

  • or if you want to make the lesson more complex or interesting for yourself

If you are working with a challenge (injury, pain, fatigue, stress, restrictions) email me with your questions. We can talk it through and troubleshoot together, so you can be sure of setting yourself up for comfort and enjoyment.